Woman explains diagram Data-driven company

Act smart. Stop guessing.

Data can do more than just build the foundation for your decisions. Focus on intelligent process automation with us to achieve your business goals in a smart way.

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Turn data into gold

Companies make decisions focusing on the past instead of influencing the future. They optimize processes with algorithms instead of making them intelligent. Let’s take the next level of automation and let technology control your processes, for an intelligent company, prepared for the futre.

Next-level management
with AI

Man points to graphic on whiteboard Data-driven company
Effect of a data-driven company on
Core Work
Digital, intelligent processes
Data is the new oil. The availability of data and its meaningful use is crucial for entrepreneurial success. However, this requires access not just for individuals, but for everyone.
Justus Hartl
Data Science Specialist
Case Studies

Conquering new horizons. With intelligent data usage.

x Develop sources of revenue
x Develop sustainable business models
x Reduce costs

Data-driven company | New business models | SAP


Machine Learning. Artificial Intelligence.

There are many possibilities on the way to becoming a data-driven company. Therefore, we put theory into practice and show companies what they can really achieve.

Case Studies

FC Bayern Munich: Always one step ahead with big data

Data-driven company | SAP

Dialog Managing directors and employees at a bar table Data-driven company

Start solid. Learn quickly.

Start with reasonable projects and achieve positive results with us.

From entrepreneur to entrepreneur

Employee portrait in front of whiteboard Data-driven company
The technology is there. But let's not fool ourselves: Creating value from data is a continuous learning process. We help you engage in this process, with technological know-how, agile projects and sensitivity. And that’s how we achieve results on the go.
Michael Beller
Data Strategy Expert

Your evolution is possible. Start now.

Insights from evolution


Increase efficiency, secure growth: Discover the 5 most important functions of the SAP Business Technology Platform

March 20, 2025

14:00 - 14:30

Data-driven company | Process optimization | SAP | Webinars


E-invoicing obligation: 5 things you absolutely need to know!

February 20, 2025

11:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Data-driven company | Process optimization | SAP | Webinars


Clean Core Basics: How to future-proof your SAP system!

January 23, 2025

10:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Data-driven company | Process optimization | SAP | Webinars

What is core work?

Core Work stands for the digitalization of core processes in your company. Starting with the elimination of media disruptions, the simplification of processing and the user experience through to the optimization of processes and the availability of information.

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