Nahaufnahme Skizze an Whiteboard neue Geschäftsmodelle

Creating the future from technology

There are many new business models, however, not every model can be integrated within your business. That’s exactly what we enable: Combining vision, customer needs and feasibility.

Your business model makes the difference

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Every successful company is a tech company, as technology is simply part of making business models scalable. Be it asset-as-a-service, subscription or platform ecosystems. Together, we can develop business models that secure and strengthen your market position - today and in the future.

In a safe space. Thinking sustainably. And close to your company.

Mitarbeiter an Geländer neue Geschäftsmodelle

Develop strategically. Procede pragmatically.

Your company: the next digital player

Moving from security and optimization to speed, innovation and implementation strength. We are passionate about new ideas – and we’re sure you are too. Together we exchange to understand where you’re coming from and think about a strategy that promises economic success.

Geschäftsführer und Mitarbeiter lachen gemeinsam neue Geschäftsmodelle
A service-based business model, such as Asset-as-a-Service, is the competitive advantage I'm building for my company's future.
Christoph Alt
Geschäftsführer gestikuliert in Gespräch mit Mitarbeiter neue Geschäftsmodelle

Start small.
Move big.

Join us in exploring the opportunities ahead of you.

From entrepreneur to entrepreneur

Mitarbeiter Portrait digital Strategy Expert Neue Geschäftsmodelle
From Asset-as-a-Service to a green supply chain - data and the right processes behind it create gigantic opportunities to redesign business models and align them sustainably. The clock is ticking, and we are ready to pick up the pace with you.
Oliver Mayer
Digital Strategy Expert

Start your evolution today.
Request a workshop now.

Insights from evolution

ToyoGPT: The secure ChatGPT for Toyota – insight into the evolution of AI at Toyota

x Increase efficiency in your company with UGPT
x Company branded GPT solution
x Security for your corporate data

Artifical Intelligence | Data driven company | Datengetriebenes Unternehmen | Neue Geschäftsmodelle

On the road to becoming a service provider

digital intelligent processes | digitale intelligente Prozesse | Industry 4.0 | New business models

Shopfloor feat. Officefloor: The Shopfloor of the future

digital intelligent processes | digitale intelligente Prozesse | Industry 4.0 | New business models


Mitarbeiterstimmen zu objective partner: Christine Pfisterer

Employee Voices

Our services at a glance

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