Case Study
| Airport of the Future | Location-based intelligence

Concur new horizons with intelligent data use

x Unlock revenue sources
x Develop sustainable business models
x Reduce costs

Tags Data-driven company | New business models | SAP
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The business model of most airports is based on aviation revenues, ground handling services and facility management. Over the past few years, airports experienced high economic pressure -so how can you expand the core business with new, profitable offers? Our team connected existing data with an entrepreneurial perspective, thus opening up new perspectives for a well-established airport.

Evolution in a nutshell

01 The challenge

Starting point: What is the potential?

An airport, as do many companies, has a lot of data from which recommendations for action can be derived. But how does management recognize possible process optimizations, new revenue streams or where the customer experience could significantly be improved?

At this point, our experts provided a clear view as part of a quickly set-up MVP. With our expertise in the relevant big data areas, analytics, IoT, geodata and SAP, we were able to show new opportunities to the airport team, that were not yet considered. A clear highway for new business ideas.


02 The solution

Getting started: Linking geo-information to data analytics

To show possible directions, our data scientists used what was available, put it into new relations and used data visualization to reveal previously unseen correlations.

To this end, data from existing sources such as turnstiles, cameras and light barriers were integrated into a big data platform and passenger movements were located on building maps.

»Data collection in companies is often only half the battle — real benefits only come through visualization and evaluation using a dashboard that visualizes the data on an interactive map and thus makes it usable.
With geodata, we are opening the door to huge potential here.«

Objective partner

As a next step, geo-data that effectively illustrated visitor flows were combined with business key figures to identify: Where is the highest turnover? In which regions does customer service need to be improved? Where are offers best received?

We recognized possibilities on many ends to increase revenue, reduce facility management costs or even increase security.

03 The added value

Take-off: New routes for the future

Our team delivered the starting point for a promising roadmap with added value in many directions.


  1. More efficient personnel planning of ground services based on AI results
  2. Realization of new services, such as pricing advertising space based on the G or PPS value
  3. Improved customer experience through information on waiting times, queues and service


All these data streams are available in real time, allowing the airport team to react optimally to new circumstances at any time. Management can now say: Ready for takeoff. The course is set.

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Case Study

Concur new horizons with intelligent data use

x Unlock revenue sources
x Develop sustainable business models
x Reduce costs

Data-driven company | New business models | SAP

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