I look forward to getting to know you!

Hi, I'm Andreas - founder and CEO of objective partner AG.

I look forward to meeting future colleagues who share the courage and enthusiasm for change, who are determined to make a difference and who are ready to contribute their ideas, visions and energy.

I'm really looking forward to our conversation!

About me


My roles and responsibilities

In addition to administrative roles such as finance/sales, I make sure that the offerings reach the market, the sales structure fits and the "machine" objective partner runs smoothly. This also includes the responsibility of developing a future-proof perspective and constantly adapting the strategy to the market.


What I like about objective partner

I love the variety. Keeping up with the challenges of the times always means adapting. If you look back, innovation cycles used to be up to six months long. Today, it's a continuous stream that you have to react to. The important thing here is to take advantage of opportunities, seize them and prepare for the future.


My focus

In a nutshell, my topic is: change. Empowering companies to actively work on the future through the use of modern technologies.


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