I look forward to getting to know you!

Hi, I'm Francis and I'm a Frontend Consultant at objective partner. 


Our frontend team is very diverse and exciting. We work with a wide variety of frameworks here, such as React, Vue and also very much with Angular, which really excites me.


As we are always looking for good developers / consultants for our team, I am really looking forward to our conversation.

About me


My professional focus

Angular, Angular.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Restful Webservices, Spring Boot, Node.js, Electron, Java, Docker, CSS3, SCSS, UX/UI, Git, Junit, Mockito, CI/CD


What I particularly like about my work

The satisfaction of our customers is my motivation for my work. I implement digital solutions with my colleagues using agile methods. I particularly enjoy designing reusable front-end components and improving the performance of complex, responsive and accessible web applications


My most important roles in our responsive organization

- Frontend Consultant


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