Smart Machine Connectivity

Revolutionizing asset administration shells:
BaSyx Enterprise connects data and processes

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Generative AI

Increase your revenue and efficiency with our solutions

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Cloud Native

Create the agility your business needs to grow in the digital world

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SAP Overview360°

Unifies 10 traditional SAP Apps, providing all your information at a glance

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Technology is key for your company’s future. Still, only few companies achieve the speed needed to survive today’s times. Take the next step towards evolution with our know-how, experience and creativity.


Any time. Agile and adaptive.


Thrive in the future with flexibility and speed. As part of your DNA.

At all levels.

You want to stay up to date – let’s start using technology efficiently for your business. Together, we set up intelligent processes, establish a data-driven core and break down walls between departments, technologies and processes to make innovation at the top possible. From end to end, from people to technology, with a holistic view on the best outcome for your business.

Besprechung Meeting Frau präsentiert an Stehtisch

Embrace the future.
At a new speed.

Put ideas into practice. Verify your visions. Start your journey with our experienced hi-tech experts, creative pragmatists and dedicated specialists. Together, we lead innovative approaches within a safe environment, to concrete results.

Achieve your MVP
with high-speed
Focus on added
business value

Insights into
the evolution

Emotionen im Schuhkarton

Wir unterstützen die Aktion "Emotionen im Schuhkarton" von we4kids zu Weihnachten. Mach mit!

Soziale Verantwortung


Our employees about objective partner

Employee Voices

Blühende Bergstraße

Wir unterstützen das Projekt "Blühende Bergstraße".

Forging the future with IoT

x Reduce downtime
x Simplify complexity
x Establish efficient processes

Industrie 4.0 | Industry 4.0 | Process optimization | Prozessoptimierung | SAP

Get to know us here.

From entrepreneur
to entrepreneur

Portrait des Geschäftsführers vor Whiteboard Objective Partner
The question is: Which solution will keep you responsive in the future? This results in a digital architecture that is not just software and hardware, but also a process and an idea, at any time.
Andreas Bader and Michael Thron
Founders and CEOs objective partner

Get the ball rolling.

Talk to us.

We build on
long-term partnerships

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