More than aesthetics.
Part of success.

The world is complex, technology and software too – but your solution doesn’t have to be. Evolve through design and experience.

O-Symbol Links
O-Symbol Rechts

A simple must-have

Digital solutions are often hardly appealing with all their different buttons, functions and interfaces, although the global players have already proven that simplicity and intuitive design are crucial for success. And crucial for your product: Increase success with lower internal implementation costs, higher customer acceptance or a greater number of inquiries.

Mitarbeiterportrait Frau lächelt an Schreibtisch Design und Experience

Clear form language.
Attractive visuality.

Effect of Design & Experience on
Core Work
Digital, intelligent processes
New business models

As IT experts and IT company, we always focus on the technological and economic possibilities. But we also know how important design and aesthetics are for a successful solution.

Design is no nice-to-have, it is a must. Design and aesthetics represent a fundamental need of users and turn interaction with an object into an experience. It's not the product - it's the experience.
Oliver Mayer
Digital Strategy Expert
Mitarbeiter Nahaufnahme Mann gestikuliert vor Whiteboard Design und Experience

Transformation needs a clear language

Transformation means change. A clear design helps to accept new things. Captivating aesthetics and functional design pave the way to help change be an improvement.

Small steps.
Big impact.

Mitarbeiter Portrait Mann mit Notizen lehnt an Wand Design und Experience

From entrepreneur to entrepreneur

Already a small interaction or a beautifully designed element triggers a positive emotion. As an entrepreneur, you can work with this emotion. It strengthens the brand loyalty of customers and employees. It underlines your professionalism. As humans, your customers enjoy the aesthetics your product delivers.
Andreas Bader
Founder & CEO

Your evolution is possible. Start today.

Insights into
the evolution

ToyoGPT: The secure ChatGPT for Toyota – insight into the evolution of AI at Toyota

x Increase efficiency in your company with UGPT
x Company branded GPT solution
x Security for your corporate data

Artifical Intelligence | Data driven company | Datengetriebenes Unternehmen | Neue Geschäftsmodelle

On the road to becoming a service provider

digital intelligent processes | digitale intelligente Prozesse | Industry 4.0 | New business models

Shopfloor feat. Officefloor: The Shopfloor of the future

digital intelligent processes | digitale intelligente Prozesse | Industry 4.0 | New business models


Mitarbeiterstimmen zu objective partner: Christine Pfisterer

Employee Voices

Our services at a glance

What is Core Work?

Core Work represents the digitization of your company’s core processes. Starting with the elimination of media discontinuities, the simplification of processing and the user experience, through to the optimization of processes and the availability of information.

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