On the road to becoming a service provider

Guest article in the magazine IT&Production:   Looking at the historical development towards Industry 4.0, it appears that during the first three stages of the industrial revolution, the focus was […]

Highspeed into the future

x Developing sustainable business models
x Establishing efficient processes
x Doing business sustainably

Ticket to fly

The Broetje Automation Group is the leading provider of automated machines and systems for large industries, including the aerospace industry. For the roll-out of SAP S/4 HANA at locations in […]

Visions of Industry 4.0 – Sustainability

Von der Nachhaltigkeit zur Wirtschaftlichkeit Ressourcen schonen, CO2–Emissionen reduzieren. Heute gibt es kein Unternehmen, das sich nicht mit dieser Thematik konfrontiert sieht. Was vielen nicht bewusst ist, Nachhaltigkeit läuft heute […]

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