DSAG (short for Deutsche SAP-Anwendergruppe e.V.) is an influential association of SAP users. The annual congress organized by DSAG takes place every year. Over 5,000 people interested in SAP take part. objective partner also exhibited its own services and portfolio at the trade exhibition at the last annual congresses and will of course be represented again in 2019 with a stand and a specialist presentation.
The annual congress 2019
September 17 to 19, Exhibition Center Nuremberg
Digitalization affects everything: how we work, how we shop, how we organize our lives. This makes it all the more important to make digitalization consistent: From digital twin to customer experience. We would like to show visitors to this year's DSAG Annual Congress in Nuremberg what this path looks like - with shopfloor 4.0 and many other projects. We make digitalization tangible for you.
"And action! Making digitalization consistent." is deeply rooted in the DNA of objective partner. Because change is a constant process that never stands still. So only one question remains unanswered: What do we need to change in order to operate successfully in the long term? We would like to make the big questions of WHAT, WHY and HOW tangible for visitors to the DSAG Annual Congress with innovative solutions and projects at our stand L6.
The drive for automation, innovation and experience
Regardless of whether the goal is people engagement, operational excellence, customer experience or product excellence. The cornerstone of any improvement is the use of data. We bundle this in a digital twin and thus support an Industry 4.0 concept with regard to making production more flexible. Ultimately, however, we ensure that customers not only gain an insight into the creation of their product, but also become an active part of this process. Mass customization and individualization provide answers to the need for uniqueness.
This requires new approaches in manufacturing. The consulting product shopfloor 4.0 from objective partner AG, Fraunhofer IESE and NetApp creates new approaches in the Industry 4.0 environment and offers companies a real solution for their smart factory. The path to automation, innovation and experience begins now. Now digitalization becomes consistent. With shopfloor 4.0, we cover the entire value chain from order to pay and make a decisive contribution to the customer journey. This applies not only to the manufacturing industry, but to every company.
shopfloor 4.0 at the DSAG Annual Congress
To give you an initial idea of the extent to which this topic also affects you, we will be happy to illustrate application scenarios and implementation in a personal appointment at our stand L6. On the second day of the congress, we would also like to discuss the topic with you in greater depth in our specialist presentation. Dr. Thomas Kuhn, Fraunhofer IESE and Andreas Bader, CEO of objective partner, will give you an insight into the potential of integrating Industry 4.0 and SAP. Join us on September 18th from 17:45 in room VP024.
Lecture "Potentials of the integration of Industry 4.0 and SAP":
Networking, consistency, services - the requirements are extensive
September 18, 17:45 - 18:30 VP024
Creating consistency and sustainability - not only in IT
Making digitalization consistent also means creating sustainable solutions. For this reason, this year we would like to focus on the future challenges of trade fair visitors. Because only through transparency can we achieve sustainable solutions that benefit everyone. To this end, we would like to invite you to help us map future requirements. In a new form of opinion poll, our digitization challenge, participants have the opportunity to map their view of things by linking terms from the SAP and digitization environment. The more visitors take part in the data map, the clearer a picture emerges and illustrates where the challenges facing companies today lie.
In return, we give something sustainable back. Because we are not only committed to sustainability in our solutions. We are planting a tree in the name of every participant in the digitalization challenge.
DSAG Annual Congress 2017
In our digital age, companies are increasingly concerned with their role within a networked world (IoT). This raises the question of whether ERP systems offer a permanent solution for the future or whether a hybrid architecture is needed to solve the challenge of new business models in terms of data and data models. These different perspectives on digital transformation are reflected in the motto "Between the worlds - ERP and digital platforms" of the 18th DSAG Annual Congress.
DSAG Annual Congress 2016
The 17th DSAG Annual Congress took place in Nuremberg, at the NürnbergConvention Center.
The motto is "Business transformation from the power socket?" and thus places the challenge of transforming business processes or even entire market models at the heart of the annual congress. There will be no plug & play solution to master the upcoming upheavals. The fact is that companies will have to take new paths from the innovation idea to the application of SAP solutions. The orientation of the company or individual branches of the company requires a holistic approach, all the more so as the speed and agility of requirements are constantly increasing. All of this is expressed in the current annual congress motto.
"Business transformation from the socket?" includes the following facets:
- From customer to consumer: a 360-degree view puts the consumer at the center. How can new business models emerge here?
- From product to service: instead of products, services are sold 24/7. What does this mean for standard software?
- From license to innovation: introduction cycles and roadmaps will become shorter. How can software remain consumable? Only the realized innovation brings added value for the company.
- Digital transformation is an organizational task for the entire company and is therefore: More than software.
How do DSAG members deal with the digitization of business processes? What role can SAP play? How does the SAP strategy fit with the corporate strategy? Do current SAP products, services, solutions and license models enable digital transformation in companies?
All of these questions were the focus of discussions at the DSAG Annual Congress in 2016.
DSAG Annual Congress 2015
Under the title "Applications for 400 million fans worldwide, social media, mobile and web - strategy and solution to meet these requirements", participants were given a direct insight into customer projects. At this congress, we presented our own customer projects and used "living examples" to illustrate what our work can mean for companies.