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German research project "CS4I" aims to revolutionize climate protection internationally

Tags Industry 4.0 | New business models
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Press release | Weinheim, 06.05.2021


The research project Climate Solution for Industries (CS4I) started on the 1st of May 2021 as part of the BMBF funding program KMU-innovative in the field of energy efficiency / climate protection. The research partners in the project consortium (objective partner AG, INTENSE AG, Fraunhofer IPA) are contributing their extensive experience and existing solutions, which are being brought together and further developed as part of the research project. In addition to the project partners, well-known large companies are also involved as associated partners (Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co. KG and SAP SE). The project is supervised by the German Aerospace Center (DLR).


The goal is to present corporate actions in relation to climate impact on an IT platform in real time. It simulates and forecasts the effects of economic activity and creates decision-making models that provide companies with new approaches to decarbonization and impact assessment.


The "Climate Solutions for Industries" (CS4I) project enables companies to optimize their climate protection measures and thus contribute to achieving climate targets. Companies receive a digital decision-making basis for identifying and evaluating even complex climate protection measures during ongoing operations, in line with the "Efficiency First" principle, i.e. avoidance before compensation. Climate protection is predicted and simulated in real time based on an IoT-/Industry 4.0 approach.


A holistic approach at an economic and technical level creates transparency and leads to successful, rapid implementation. To provide a reliable data basis, a "True Footprint Index" (TFI) is being developed as part of the project, which depicts the actual correlations between all factors influencing a company's ecological footprint. The TFI goes beyond corporate boundaries (including the upstream and downstream value chain) and provides statements for the individual products manufactured.


Industrial companies are thus moving away from a purely historical view of data and can not only evaluate the effects of their climate protection measures, but also reliably forecast, plan and economically assess them. Complex interrelationships and "hidden" opportunities become transparent, which leads to a significantly higher contribution to climate protection.


Further information can be found at

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